(*Pronunciation chart: consonants are all hard sounding. Such as: G as in Girl.
Vowels are; a, ah, uh, aa, aw, ee, eh, ih, eye/ai, oh, ooh, and the "L-l" is pronounced as in Korean. Fast and somewhat strong sound)
How are you? - Jonl bin Sem?
How is your family? - Jonl ban Seml pandl?
How is your wife? - Jonl ban Seml imim?
How is your husband? - Jonl ban Seml amim?
How are your children? - Jonl ban Seml onam?
How many children do you have? - Jonl dinda onam Sem opa?
I am well. - Pu ipo sok.
I am fine. I am doing fine. - Pu ipo paja. Pu ipo itsa paja.
I am feeling ok. - Pu ipo latsa o k.
I am not too bad today. - Pu ipo jun toktin jun jonijinl.
I am feeling great! - Pu ipo latsa bumllim!
I am looking good, but I feel terrible! - Pu ipo potsa jeml, pun Pu lat dimljim!
I look like shit! Feel like shit! and why do you care? - Pu pot tangl met! Lat tangl met! nap chgun semsobbl?
I am feeling a little blue right now. - Pu ipo latsa chum du amogl.
I am feeling a little under the weather right now. - Pu ipo latsa chum togatsumkiml amogl.
I feel like I look. - Pu lat pupot.
I am not feeling well today. - Pu ipo jun latsa jun sok jonijinl.
He / she is feeling sad. - Tsi / Tsa ipl latsa jonjin.
He / she is feeling great! - Tsi / Tsa ipl latsa bumllim!
He / she looks well. - Tsi / Tsa potl sok.
He / she is tall! - Tsi / Tsa ipl ong.
He / she is short. - Tsi / Tsa ipl tokja.
He / she is fat. - Tsi / Tsa ipl top.
He / she is looking very fit. - Tsi / Tsa ipl potsa cha dzin.
He / she is unhealthy. - Tsi / Tsa ipl jun bodl jun.
He / she is very thin. - Tsi / Tsa ipl cha tso.
(*Note... "jun______jun" is the same as french; "ne_______pas").
They are all here. - Dzin idl dejin dijltsa.
They are outside. - Dzin idl jopldon.
They are inside. - Dzin idl netldon.
They are being so nice. - Dzin idl dutsa tsum.
They are being orderly. - Dzin idl dutsa chnopun.
They are being good. - Dzin idl dutsa jeml.
They are being bad. - Dzin idl dutsa toktin.
They are being disorderly. Dzin idl dutsa jun chnopun jun.
They are here now. - Dzin idl ditsa amogl.
They are by us. - Dzin idl chukl.
They are having a ball! - Dzin idl ketsa tseda!
They are having fun. - Dzin idl ketsa jel.
They live there. - Dzin hojon dejltsa.
They live here. - Dzin hojon dijltsa. .
They live over there. - Dzin hojon ipaj tsadl.
They live well. - Dzin hojon sok.
They live on the other side of town. - Dzin hojon kipje tsin hongl.
They live in another city. - Dzin hojon bal sejihem hungl.
They live in another town. - Dzin hojon bal sejihem hongl.
They live on the other side of the lake. Dzin hojon kipje tsin kejip.
The night is cold. - Atsan ipl tsogapje.
The nights are cold. - Atsanl idl tsogapje.
The night is chilly. - Atsan ipl chutje.
The night air is damp. - Atsan etdza ipl muk.
The sun warms things up. - Daldzin chusu ponjitsa.
The sun shines so bright. - Daldzin gatso tsimjoml.
The sun is yellow. - Daldzin getsem.
The sun is a star. - Daldzin ipl hagop.
The sun warms us up. - Daldzin chusunl.
Our house is here. - Keptse ipl dijltsa.
Our house is warm. - Keptse ipl chusu.
Our house is at 34 Benton Street. - Keptse ipl jon 34 Tsun Benton.
Our house is a nice home. - Keptse ipl tsum kapup.
Our house is a home. - Keptse ipl kapup.
Home is where the heart is. - Kapup ipl gitse patsip.
Children live here. - Gepogl hojon dijltsa.
People live here. - Kogl hojon dijltsa.
Police are over there. - Polijo idl ipaj tsadl.
Bring that here. - Geppe lapo dijltsa.
Bring this to him. - Geppe lego itsio.
Bring your clothing to the laundry.
Bring your tooth brush.
Bring a change of clothes.
How are you all doing?
Hope you are well.
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