Tuesday, December 18, 2007


A constructed language created by Kimberlée Anne-Marie Elisabeth
Empa mefte, sen afba af-Beshahm
Afhem alzahn ailifi,
Afesh alzahn Mohzarahm,
Mufte alzahn abshi,
AB-nass, me-adilli af-Beshahm
Nuzu AB-em kuus ahai-ifden
Mu lohabib-em hanniti mefte
Hi-em lohabib-essahn hannititi avbalahm-em
Naifahni fahz-em af-ahzahz
I'm sazahn-em ohm zahrahf.


Unknown said...

Empa mefte, sen afba af-Beshahm - (Father of-Us), (to-Be Present within-Heaven)
Afhem alzahn ailifi, (Righteous of-You are-Called)
Afesh alzahn Mohzarahm, (Precious of-You is-the-Kingdom)
Mufte alzahn abshi, (all-Complete of-You be-Done)
AB-nass, me-adilli af-Beshahm (upon-All-grounds, As-standing-Existing within-Heaven)
Nuzu AB-em kuus ahai-ifden (Give-us upon-All-in-the-now our-communal-Bread Every-Day)
Mu lohabib-em hanniti mefte (and... Forgive-in-the-now Impropriety of-Us)
Hi-em lohabib-essahn hannititi avbalahm-em (We-in-the-now Forgive-Totally-All-Through Improprieties of-Others-in-the-now)
Naifahni fahz-em af-ahzahz (Lead-Us-Away from-something within-tempting)
I'm sazahn-em ohm zahrahf. (But-now transport-in-the-now to-keep-or-stay-Afar of-Evil
Amim (Amen)

Unknown said...

Ahmalaht mu Edeffhet-am! --- Greetings and farewell!

Unknown said...

Ahmalaht mu Edeffhet-am bugrah Shahzahllam! --- Greetings and farewell in Shazallam!

Ogra fazaq alzahn? - How goes of-you? *(The "q-Q" is pronounced deep gutteral in back of throat, almost like a far back of the tongue K with no vowel sound to it.)
Ogra fazaq aldumuz? - How goes of-wife?
Ogra fazaq alımaz? - How goes of-husband? *(Note use of Turkish "i" without dot "ı")
Ogra fazaq aleftenti? - How goes of-children?
Ogra fazaq alluda? - How goes of-daughter?
Ogra fazaq alıdı? - How goes of-son? *(Pronounced: Ahl-ih'dih, with "i" as in "lid")
Keb-e hebshi-lebhet omra-zahn ahai-ifden! - I don't get the chance to see you every day. *(Translates: "I" = Keb-e-(for male)/ Kef-e (female)"never" = hebshi, "get the chance" = lebhet, "to see you" = omra-zahn, "every day" = ahai-ifden.
Ogra fazaq alhıdı? - How goes of-father? - (ahl-hih'ddih *hard "D" Hold D as two.)
Ogra fazaq al'udu? - How goes of-mother? - (ahl-oo'doo = mother)
Mefe! - Good! *(Meh'feh)
Abhannizim! - Marvelous!
Shek-shek! - So-so! - (in feeling)
Poq! - Poor!
Qalıb! - Shitty!
Mezfah! - Beautiful!
Mehzzeq! - sick!
Shahllıfte! - Pretty well! / Alright! / Hunky-Dory! / Satisfactory; fine!

Unknown said...

Bazi? - Please? (May I?)
also: Beb-e/Hef-e Bazi? - May I please?
Meffhet-ahmshuk. Angra-Uftum. Edeffhet. - Fare-thee-all-well. Later people. Farewell.
Dıhhet-em sılhahn halıb ahai-ıf hane. - Saying good-bye is always sad.
Zahllet! - Truly!
Zoffa-Uftum enkabdir dıhhet-em sılhan. - When people must say good-bye.
Zida-mefte ukul uftum ez azir? - Can you blame people for this?