Monday, December 24, 2007


Wuchuhé, umtotowiíhé,
wítawí umatomhéch,
wínum wituuha
Mohuko kikípachtotoíhé
numuwiích tumhétum
chahéumuwiícha tumhétum
Wagganumchum ahahé
Michitutakwa ayum

(*Pronounced: Like American Indian/Native American, Blackfoot or Dakota Sioux or Ojibwa.)

(*Wuh-chuh-HAY', = Our Father, ... ... ... Oohm-toh-toh wih-EE'-hay, = In Big Sky!,)

(*wee-TAW'-wee ooh-muh-TOHM'-hech, = Called Highest Spirit!,)

(*wee-nawch-tuck TOH'-toh-hay, = Until-Come, Your Kingdom /or Big-Domain,)

(*WEE'-nuhm wee-too OOH'-hah, = They will /or quest be done,)

(*MOH-hoo-koh kee-kee-patch toh-toh EE-hay, = upon-earth as-it-is/or be within Big Sky)

(*nah-hoo KECH'-keh, = Grant us food)

(*noo-moo-wee-EECH' TOOM'-hay-toom, = forgiving trespasses - likewise done,)

(*CHAH' hay-oommoo wee-EE'-chah TOOM'-hay-toom, = For those trespassing - likewise done,)

(*wuhgguh-NUM' chuhm uh-HAH'-hay = Lead-us-not-to temptings,)

(*mee-chee-too TAHK'-kwah AH'-yoom.) = Keep us away from evil.)

(*Ahm-WEE'-chee = Amen /or Approving!)

Sunday, December 23, 2007


Sefathi... Hello ... Asafa... Hello ... Yama... Hello

Nenelo... Good Bye. ... Sahani... Bye ... Yalefane... Good Bye

Ukufetha... take care. ... Zuzukea... take care ... Toefala... Take care

Zekyu themu... come back ... uzepu teisa... come back ... ifejo ziku... come back

Zizekyu themu... come back-again ... Izapu ibakwe tesa... come back soon ... tzipule nzifaku... come back

Shethe tyumu... Many Thanks. ... Setama Tezumu... Thanks. ... Itsama tumu... Many Thanks

Tsafalelehyu umtoto... Make yourself at home. ... Ulutsafelemu nsatsoto... Make yourself at home. ... Utsafaleyu otuto

Msa Msa... Numbers ... Utase masa ... Msukwije ... Fasalala Mse

Yele... one ... Itse ... Nkwe ... Nafe

Thama... two ... tham ... tawa ... kibi

Kyela... three ... debe ... tefa ... hefa

Kwotha... four ... tofa ... nkobo ... kwome

Ujula... five ... sasu ... tsanu ... uji

Ntinge... six ... nnin ... nno ... bisi

Kyija... seven ... kapa ... yijija ... kija

Uthanu... eight ... uhanu ... ununu ... tupa

Yute... nine ... ione ... utete ... uhela

Nuya... ten ... ku ... fia ... iumu

Apayele = 11




Apa'ujula = 15





Yitheya = 20





Yiyi'ujula = 25





Ikyeya = 30

Iwothya = 40

julala = 50

ntingya = 60

Kyijaya = 70

Uthaya = 80

Yulala = 90

Yeyeku = 100

Thaseku = 200

Kyeyeku = 300

Kwotheku = 400

Ujulaleku = 500

Ntyeku = 600

Kyiyeku = 700

Utheku = 800

Yuyeku = 900

Yepinga = 1,000

Thaminga = 2,000

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Palaipo h'Liti'a ... Sentences in LITI -(*Lee'-tee)

Beheme li tuatu h'liti'a! = Welcome to learning Liti!
O vo ka iva naui pu talihiti'a. = I hope you have fun with this course.
Ihia lolovo i'aka tova-tova ovai h'1969'e. = It was made by me way back in 1969.

Imatu, VAPO'ELE!

Pava - (Pah'-vah) = Father
Mea - (May'-ah) = Mother

Ino'a - (Ee-noh'-ah) = Son
Ama'a - (Ah-mah'-ah) = Daughter

Ino'ava - (Ee-noh-ah'-vah) = Paternal Uncle
Ino'ea - (Ee-noh-ay'-ah) = Maternal Uncle

Ino'ava'a - (Ee-noh-ah-vah'-ah) = Paternal Great Uncle
Ino'ea'a - (Ee-noh-ay-ah'-ah) = Maternal Great Uncle

Ama'ava - (Ah-mah-ah'-vah) = Paternal Aunt
Ama'ea - (Ah-mah-ay'-ah) = Maternal Aunt

Ama'ava'a - (Ah-mah-ah-vah'-ah) = Paternal Great Aunt
Ama'ea'a - (Ah-mah-ay-ah'-ah) = Maternal Great Aunt

Ino'ava'a'ava - (Ee-noh-ah'-vah-ah-ah'-vah) = Great-Great Paternal Uncle
Ino'ea'a'ea - (Ee-noh-ay'-ah-ah-ay'-ah) = Great-Great Maternal Uncle

Ama'ava'a'ava - (Ah-mah-ah'-vah-ah-ah'-vah) = Great-Great Paternal Aunt
Ama'ea'a'ea - (Ah-mah-ay'-ah-ah-ay'-ah) = Great-Great Maternal Aunt

Ohina - (Oh-hee'-nah) = Cousins
Ohine - (*Oh-hee'-nay, plain word for cousin, is used in case side of family is unknown)

Ino'ava'ina - (Ee'-noh-ah-vah-ee'-nah) = Male Paternal Cousin
Ino'ea'ina - (Ee'-noh-ay-ah-ee'-nah) = Female Paternal Cousin

Ama'ava'ina - (Ah'-mah-ah-va-ee'-nah) = Male Maternal Cousin
Ama'ea'ina - (Ah'-mah-ay-ah-ee'-nah) = Female Maternal Cousin

Ino'o - (Ee-noh'-oh) = Brother
Ama'e - (Ah-mah'-ay) = Sister

Pahena - (Pah-hay'-nah) = Please - (*P'hay-nah)
Vakahu - (Vah-kah'-hoo) = Thank you - (*Vkah'-hoo)
Kaveve - (Kah-vay'-vay) = You're welcome - (*K'vay'-vay)

Auma losieu alaka'i? - ("AU , pronounced as OU in OUT or OUch! ") - (*Ou'-mah loh-syü ah-luh-kah'-ee?) = How are you? - (*How health of-you?)
Auma losieu alakai pava'i? - (How is your father?) - (Ou-mah loh-syü ah-luh-kai' pah-vah'-ee?)
Auma losieu alakai'ino'oi? - (How is your brother?) - (Ou-mah loh-syü ah-luh-kai' ee-noh-oy')
Auma losieu alakai mea? - (How is your mother?) - (Ou-mah loh-syü ah-luh-kai may'ah?)
Auma losieu alakai ama'ea'ina, Lorin? - (How is your maternal-female-cousin, Lorin?)

Auma tapena ovovo? - (*How this day going?) - (How's it going?)
Auma kaipena ovovo? - (*How your day going?)

L'hena vave'a tapena? - (*How weather this-day?) - (How's the weather today?)
L'hena o ahiti'u tapena? - (*How I look today?) - (How do I look today?) - (Luh-hay'-nah oh ah-hee'-tee-oo tah-pay'-nah?)

Ka hiti lapava! - (*You look marvelous!)
Ka hiti n'na-n'na be'i. (*You look not good - not "so" good)

h'Palansai'a - Languages:

Pala h'engetau'a? - (Do you speak English?)
Pala h'faransai'a? - (Do you speak French?)
Pala h'doitau'a? - (Do you speak German?)
Pala h'niponsai'a? - (Do you speak Japanese?)
Pala h'denau'a? - (Do you speak Danish?)
Pala h'liti'a? - (Do you speak Liti?)
Pala h'rusa'a? - (Do you speak Russian?)
Pala h'polantau'a? - (Do you speak Polish?)
Pala h'panatau'a? - (Do you speak Spanish?)
Pala h'kinsai'a? - (Do you speak Chinese?)
Pala h'litalanau'a? - (Do you speak Italian?)

Ahe. - (Ah'-hay) = Yes.
N'na. - (Nuh-nah') = No.
Not, or Negative is; " n'na-n'na ", which is " NO " said twice. - (" Nuh-nah' - Nuh-nah' ", is pronounced quickly. Meaning in the negative. " Not ".)

Be'i = good
Heva = well
Imatu = now
Ilanu = later

Eti = it
Eto = he
Ete = she
Ka = you
Kai = you - plural
Enai = they
Emai = them
Evai = their
Evaia = their's
Akai = your
Ema = our
Etai = us
Emaia = ours

O pala heva. = I speak it well. - (*Note. You do not have to use " o ", meaning, " I ", if choose not to.)
O pala ____ , n'na-n'na ____ . = I speak ____ , not ____ .
Ahe, o pala ____ . = Yes I speak ____ .
N'na, o n'na-n'na pala ____ . = No, I do not speak ____ .
N'na, o pala n'na-n'na be'i. = No, I do not speak it well.
N'na, pala ____ . = No, I speak ____ .
N'na, o n'na-n'na ka po'i'po. = (Nuh-nah', oh nuh-nah'-nuh-nah' kah poh'-ee-poh) = No, I do not understand you.
N'na, o n'na-n'na po'i'po eti. = No, I do not understand it.
N'na, o pala n'na-n'na h'palansai'a tua. No, I do not speak that language at all.
Ahe, o pala eti'u, n'na-n'na vatua. = Yes, I speak it, but, not fluently.
O kemeli pala eti. = I will try to speak it.
Apu h'palansai'a eki'o. = May I hear the language?
O mu uvuti lahihi h'palansai'a imatu. = I am studying that language now.
O mu n'na-n'na vatu, u, pala oha. = I am not fluent, but, I do speak some.
O po'opo oha tipiti iu-iu'a. (Oh poh-oh'-poh oh'-hah tee-pee'-tee ee'-ooh-ee'-ooh-uh.) = I pronounce some words badly.
O po'opo tipiti h'liti'a mo'i hiveve! = I prnounce Liti words just fine!
O kono tehi-e-tehi. = I need practice though.

This = Ta
That = To
The other = Ilame
Here = Ivi
There = Evi
Above = Ovena
Below = Evena
By = Pa
Because = Ikilu
On the top of = Kukove
On the bottom of = Kukeve
On the right side of = Kuhole
On the left side of = Kuhele


Olo = 0
Ena = 1
Nia = 2
Love = 3
Tea = 4
Ki = 5

Ina = 6
Kia = 7
Hove = 8
Pea = 9
Ti = 10

Ti'ena = 11
Ti-nia = 12
Ti-love = 13
Ti-tea = 14
Ti-ki' = 15

Ti'ina = 16
Ti-kia = 17
Ti-hove = 18
Ti-pea = 19
Ni'i = 20

Ni'i'ena = 21
Ni'i-nia = 22

Love'i = 30

Tea'i = 40

Ki'i = 50

Ina'i = 60

Kia'i = 70

Hove'i = 80

Pea'i = 90

Elo = 100

Nilo = 200

Lovo = 300

Telo = 400

Kilo = 500

Inalo = 600

Kialo = 700

Hovo = 800

Pealo = 900

Enava = 1,000

Niava = 2,000

loveva = 3,000

Teava = 4,000

Kiava = 5,000

Inava = 6,000

Kiava = 7,000

Hovava = 8,000

Peava = 9,000

Ti'ava = 10,000

Ni'i'ava = 20,000

1,000,000 = Enami'ilu
2,000,000 = Niami'ilu

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


A constructed language created by Kimberlée Anne-Marie Elisabeth
Empa mefte, sen afba af-Beshahm
Afhem alzahn ailifi,
Afesh alzahn Mohzarahm,
Mufte alzahn abshi,
AB-nass, me-adilli af-Beshahm
Nuzu AB-em kuus ahai-ifden
Mu lohabib-em hanniti mefte
Hi-em lohabib-essahn hannititi avbalahm-em
Naifahni fahz-em af-ahzahz
I'm sazahn-em ohm zahrahf.

A constructed language created by Kimberlée Anne-Marie Elisabeth
aba onhéji; am Haaji daas;
Omahha sikkall héj,
siimhéllé sukha héj,
Hwiim tanji héj,
Takkan jéhé binjabba Haaji pohurréhé,
Jakka ijéhin aikzihé hwuji jahur,
Panjabjihin héji panda bék apjahhé hijanjabjihin jéhé,
Bakbadi jéhin taalji walwuskajihéhin,
Adani bébajahal awéjihé

A constructed language created by Kimberlée Anne-Marie Elisabeth
Air Fithir, bai airin Hivin,
Halid bainis Kalin,
Thain glar kemst,
Thain winst ban duun,
Dwellann shiris airn Hivin iswel,
Gavis daiog air ettin,
Pairdin mystaips shiris waibi pairdinna iswel,
Laidis nair eon tempmaiin
Bis, daiviis fre didivil
Pronunciation chart:
AI is long A as in day.
a is sometimes as Father
i is sometimes ee and sometimes ih
a is also as a in Gavin, have, hat
o as o in goch, loch, Torch
Uu is long oo, u is shorter
e is sometimes he and sometimes ay.

A constructed language created by Kimberlée Anne-Marie Elisabeth
Of-ân ditan, pen as-âmo-èmai, Fatherspirit, being in high holy place
diêt-sen ko Jon-êpsai, being of name most worthy
Fongai ba-âpo pen-saijan âp, come thy being henceforth
Susudan ba-âpo Japan âp,bequeathed thy to carry on
Toyen fodan kupten a-nai as-âmo-èmai âp; hereabout the earth as done in high holy place
Up-ton sisin-adân Bo ditan âp; us-give each-day bread by-spirit
Up-bapbât yensi-ilao ditan âp, us-pitty forgiving all by-spirit
Ten-ëp-bapbât yensu-ilao Ku-jem kapan inoy âp; we too forgiving all those inflicting same
Nam-up-tai-non as-ségâkon âp, not us allow in bad wantings
bâ, up-mé-sèmai itam-ân âp. But, us guide away from evil.
Âmmèn Amen
Pronunciation chart:
â is ah
a is usually same as: ain Japan.
e is he
I is ee or ih
o is aw or oh
u is oo always
The âp at the end of many sentances has no English translation, but is the very same as Ka, or Krub in Thai sentances, however, both men and women say the same word, unlike Thai.

A constructed language created by Kimberlée Anne-Marie Elisabeth
Íza meehtään, jükka üllet tsaivassaumåak,
prëhëtüük ålloon zii netsëmsti,
hëmuloon zii vaajåaktaasti,
tipätoonku zii sahtoomsti mööjåav hamaam päähstä niën kutsti tsaivassaumåak,
hannä meellië tapsti püväjå jåkiipenväästi leepenmë,
dül hannä meelië hteeksti üülhköön,
niën kutsti myyhëki amminaam hteeksti nüüsüülhköön,
Älläsåäk saatsta meehstä kiisåanaaseem,
våa päätsta meehstäki püahståki,

Pronunciation chart:
Pronounced same as in Finnish-(Suomeksi)


A constructed language created by Kimberlée Anne-Marie Elisabeth
Noti Peksipu, ksipsithep'soli, Our Fatherly God, who art in Heaven
Ksipi fethu manipsi', unique holy name,
Vinepsipa'lu tem'pa, come thy era true,
Papthepsikra'ni pu'tha, be thy wish fulfilled,
Seno kranethi' kas pe'tho epsoli' upon earth as with the Heavens
Kresopolipsi vanusipsanus bread freshly daily-spread amongst the populous
Oligranipso'thi noti tressipsime'this psi'tha kis oligranipsothim'pi, find forgiveness for our tresspasses as we find forgiveness for others
Gapi'thi noti nenosoffi'ksi pethipeksi' make our way free of any temtation,
Ksis pandothi' feso'then but keep our way clear of evil.
Pronunciation chart:
i as in it, lip, sit, sometimes as ee.
a as father, never a as in after.
e as in set, bet, wet.
Th as in "My country tis'of the.
Psi as in ups and downs with a long ee after it.
As in look see with.
u as oo.
o as short aw sound, as law, but a little shorter.
A constructed language created by Kimberlée Anne-Marie Elisabeth
Gígi Afá'!
lófi Ga wówo,
igógo sámpi afá;
Jafáfa sámpi ukú
bubúfa afáfa digígi
Bo jaláffa bíbi Ga wówo
ilófa béde idódo
ofógo afú zizífa
bíbi afú ofógo zizífa
Wógo zifúfu afú gíbi-gíbi
Jefáfa afú bufófo

A constructed language created by Kimberlée Anne-Marie Elisabeth
Noso Papbu, isivi NE avin,
Sanata e vo kalle,
Vo ivine vena
Vo fet voluni am
Pe leter ive NE avin
Dun nu hosta pan
Yh parmite nu debis ive nua parmite oseu ka debis anu
Ponos Indus nu NE tempate afan
Me delive nu o mauvin

A constructed language created by Kimberlée Anne-Marie Elisabeth
Shív Lauláhém, mé aulí bá Shím,
mëshím lëshá óvërátsím,
kékúl lëshá záverá,
lëshá órítz dábá,
békúm lóffrën bésh óm aulí bá Shím,
aumé hí líshá shív oidénnúl láffá,
ílúm shéshú hí shív tsëvëllísh, míním sím shéshú ólúch hí násh tsëvëllíshóm hí,
bëvélú hí ássád bínbád kévélá,
më aulú hí lívá zófú.

Pronunciation chart:
Same pronunciation as in Hebrew, only in the modern Hebrew Alphabet.

L I T I - - - The LORD's PRAYER


A constructed language created by Kimberlée Anne-Marie Elisabeth
Another Liti Version Of
The Lord's Prayer

Ema Pava, Kovai Ihena'i
Ahaluai Ti'Akai'ivitéa
h'Utuhivé Vauva E'iti'u
Akai'ina aua h'lotua
huko peava ipu kova Ihena

b'héné tapéna ipini lopo'é
Uvuvu ipini tépitépi, ampa ipini uvuvu'é
Na tapana etai n'na-n'na lo'ilo aivéké
Ivovo ipini kamété'é

A constructed language created by Kimberlée Anne-Marie Elisabeth
Papãu neum, õ çeu a Çélu,
santifíçõez kiamé teu,
avéza réãuma teu,
filaç véhãu teu, sécu a Çélu, símí a tírrí.
Paña neum cotíçímeu ça nusiu oyã,
ý dímíçeu neuz débitaz neum, çéuz ý nãuz dímíçumçeu débitaçãz neuz. Ý nãu neuz endúçazé a tentãuçeum:
Çézi líberaçeu neuz u mãlço.

Pronunciation chart:
a; as in father,

e; as "E" in bet, set, also as "A" in late, and as long ee when spelled as "eu"-ee'oo.
i ; as ee and ih.
o; as long o"O" as in most, and as "UH" as "U" in butter; usually when ending a word.
u; always oo
z; is always as the "S" in pleasure or treasure

A constructed language created by Kimberlée Anne-Marie Elisabeth
Kjé Féfér, to pûdal bé salél,
timèrravéï sé t'appèl,
It rézaïn kjamence,
It vrapieau fédé,
DA lèleaub ki is mèmé bé salél,
Da'nu éddulôr kjé brût kotijèm,
ès simèküs nu kjé débèts is nu simèküsi kjé débètürs;
Neau sèm nu peau bé tentalizésian,
MI, délivé nu deau mavézi.

Pronunciation chart:
j; following a consonant is pronounced as Y.

j; following a vowel is pronounced as French j in jour, je, jardin.
ür; is pronounced as eur.
nu; is as nous



Monday, December 17, 2007



Ébo! - Hello! - Kwékwé zifwa bu? - How are you?
Éwu swi bézaï, asantwi. - I am well, thanks-thank you.
Èwu swi mwabwazé. - I am sick-ill.

Éwu buvwa! - I see you!
Kwéu waza éwu bélinf?? / *Kwéu waz'éwu bélinf? - What have I done?
Ikwi fékwé duzon falikwa, yyinafa. - It's time to go to bed, now.

Good night. - Bufu Hwali.
I hope you sleep well, my love. - Éwu bézizi bu onfu bézaï, yyi fébu.
Have sweet dreams, sweet heart. - Waza itwitwi gwézapi, itwitwi keru.
Itwitwi gwézapi! - Sweet dreams!
Èwuku buvwa yyisa. - I'll see you tomorrow.

Nwé fwésa jéna! - It's cold today!
Nkéwé chôf jéna! - It's hot today!
Ntécha jéna. - It's warm today.
Nzéfwa jéna. - It's cool today.
Kwéna jéna na kwé jibéna? - What day is it today?


YYéwa; bu néku swazalwi, God, you being in Heaven,
Fudipwa bu pamwa, Holy you be called/named,
Ba gwizèl byé, thy/your Kingdom come,
Ba dizon bélinf, thy/your will be done,
é crèvi simé simèleur sù swazalwi, on earth as it is simular up in Heaven,
tém nwi àlir jèbé nusu pwaï give us each day our bread,
pwadoné nusu mwalinzaï silu pwadoné tulaï kéïfwa mwalinzali chéké nwi, pardon our tresspasses as we pardon all-those who have tresspassed against us
èwipwa nwi pwattût féku tenpwason lead us not into temptation
mé délivèss nwi chè mové: but deliver us from evil.

Pronunciation chart:
YY is pronounced eeY AS IN EEYEH or EE before pronouncing Yes Pronounced half Swahili like and french.



A constructed language created by Kimberlée Anne-Marie Elisabeth

Ansa Färfa, vöm nås dön Dehåmme ís,
gåsämma då körre är,
då rässa vén,
då vella körpen ba,
nå plamme ved ats ba dön Dehåmme ís,
Naba ans ídésse ansa borssumme bröf,
Torrem ans ansa sesröppaven, béd ans torrem üderen sji sesröppanan åvürrs ans,
kjürrup ans ínne ban sínpåssjon,
vän tiklärre ans hin gårr.

Pronunciation chart:
ä ... Ay

ö ... Ew
í ... Ee
é... Ay
kå ... Koh
kä ... Kay
kë ... Sheh
kjü ... Shyer
E ... At the end of most words is uh.
Mm ... Is held a little longer than single m.


Lord's Prayer:
Бавучи ва Говок:
Nízhi Vdaschch, - *Нижи Вдащ,
ktu prazpo síllcha, - *кту празпо Силлча,
Kraistva tílu tsavuya, - *Крайства тилу цавуя,
tílu tsartseya ílyu, - *тилу царцейя илю,
tílu khozhi trafi, - *тилу хожи трафи,
fa shtír íluyu elípo síllcha. - *фа штир тлую элипо Силлча.
Daitye míz nízhi leba dyennu, - *Дайте миз нижи леба денну,
í prachuchí míz nízhi debzhiví, - *и прачучи миз нижи дэбживи,
som mí prachuchí tímzhi ktuvam debzhivillí fratsa míz. - *сом ми прачучи тимжи ктувам дэбживилли фраца миз.
Soyumtse míz nyem prazpo tyemtusyem, - *Союмце миз нем празпо темтусем,
íla gaitse míz toz malschch. - *ила гайце миз тоз малщ.
Amin. - *Амин
Aжюдим Идир Гoрeнc, (*Honoured Mr Gorenc,)
Teска кнуморум ктюкий aбэит хедде. (*I have seen your numbers.) = (Actual wording: List of-numbers of-yours Have-I seen.)
Нюморатци - Numerals
Нол - 0 - (Pronounced: Noh'loh)
Айна - 1 - ( AHy'nah)
Ият - 2 - (eeYAHt)
кинт - 3 - (Keent)
чира - 4 - (сheer'-ah)
пэнч - 5 - (Pehnch)
синт - 6 - (Seent)
эсем - 7 - (Eh'-syehm)
асем - 8 - (AH'-syehm)
Дайта - 9 - (DAi'tah)
Слиф - 10 - (SLEEF')
Ain'ettsuh - 11
ee-YAH'-tuh - 12
lee-KIHNT' - 13
ee-CHAH'-rah - 14
pee-SHIHnt' - 15
lee-SEEnt' - 16
lee-SYEM' - 17
lee-AH'-syihm - 18
lee-DAHy'-tyeh - 19
yah-LEEM' - 20
Ahyna-ahleem - 21
Eeyaht-ahleem - 22
Keent-ahleem - 23

Kimberlee on 11 Dec 2007 at 5:11 pm #

Кафда яше яписач ва дюгам элипо проплэца. Элиш ляба ниже хобжичучи ифт азбучя ниже элипо вижли ва ечувополижник эца.

Whenever I write in a different language it is a problem. It is not either understood or the alphabet doesn’t come out at the opposite end.


Lord's Prayer in Lekkesch - Lekjauvska - Лэкяувска
Belet äufte! Good Day!
(Beh`leht Oyf`teh!
Wüm äste nen? How are you?
(Vewm ays'teh nehn?)
Zän belet! Very good!
(Tsayn Beh`leht)
Äfe bem qütz belet. I am quite good.
(Ay'feh behm kewts beh`leht)
Äfe bem zäjt braast. I am very well.
(Ay'feh ehm tsayt braast)
Fürar om äste, aum Hümmelst,
at glüssn ülp niim übe,
üs Reißt väken, üs wilke desöfd,
wos veldte, kvar aum Hümmelst,
schäft ürem ejaüfte omt äste tächlet vrüt,
dä-üv ürm om äste trengrapte,
kan üls ansa duíjüv anderen kvänavfte trengrapta abversa ürm,
brenkt ürm neinst im bauang,
unf, lüwaal ürm womft mäle.
dein eber Reißt, eber stauch, aua eber Glorium für iwar aua iwar,


Oglaho! = Hello! (*oh-glah-HOH')

Chuhe-chuhe! = So-So! (*chuh-HAY' chuh-HAY')

1) - How are you? = Omeluha? - (*ohmay-luh-HAH'?),

2) - How are you doing today? = Omeluhachech? - (*ohmay-luh-HAH'-chech?),

3) - I am so happy to see you. = Pokolawe icheha. - (*Po = I and Ha = you) - (*poh-koh-luh-WAY' ee-CHAY'-hah.)

4) - Glad to see you! How are you feeling? = Wenach icheha! - (*way-nahch ee-CHAY-Hah!) --- Omeluhachukwe? - (*ohmay-luh-hah CHOO'-kway?)

This is my house. = Iheopachoma. - (*ee-hay-oh pah-CHOH'mah.)

That is your car. = Iheanakawch. - (*ee-hay-ah-nah- KAWCH'.)











Gacham = 20

Ugacham = 21

Umcham = 22

Tumcham = 23

Sagacham = 24

Wichicham = 25


Tumitum = 30

Ugatumitum = 31

Umtumitum = 32

Tumtumitum = 33

Sagatumitum = 34

Wichitumitum = 35


Sachum = 40 - (*SAH'-chuhm)


Wim = 50 - (*WIHM')


Tachum = 60


Wawchum = 70


Nichum = 80


Kachum = 90


Ugwum = 100 - (*UHG'-wuhm)


Umwum = 200 - (*OOM'-wuhm)


Tumwum = 300


Sagawum = 400


Wichiwum = 500


Ugecha = 1,000 - (*UHG'-ih-chah)


Umgecha = 2,000


Tumgecha = 3,000


Tug = 1,000,000


Wugumha = 1,000,000,000 - (*WUHG'-uhm-hah)



Counting in GUPJIGABWI:

SINUKEHA (*see-noo KAY'ha) GUPJIGABWIHA (*gup-jee-gahb WEE'-hah)

Uga = 1 (*UHG'-uh)

Um = 2 (*UHM')

Tum = 3 (*TUHM')

Saga = 4 (*SAHG'uh)

Wichi = 5 (*WIH'-chee)

Taga = 6 (*TAHG'uh)

Wawg = 7 (*WAWG')

Nichi = 8 (*NIH'-chee)

Kaga = 10 (*KAHG'-uh)

Tim = 10 (*TIHM')



Wuchuhé, umtotowiíhé,
wítawí umatomhéch,
wínum wituuha
Mohuko kikípachtotoíhé
numuwiích tumhétum
chahéumuwiícha tumhétum
Wagganumchum ahahé
Michitutakwa ayum

(*Pronounced: Like American Indian/Native American, Blackfoot or Dakota Sioux or Ojibwa.)

(*Wuh-chuh-HAY', = Our Father, ... ... ... Oohm-toh-toh wih-EE'-hay, = In Big Sky!,)

(*wee-TAW'-wee ooh-muh-TOHM'-hech, = Called Highest Spirit!,)

(*wee-nawch-tuck TOH'-toh-hay, = Until-Come, Your Kingdom /or Big-Domain,)

(*WEE'-nuhm wee-too OOH'-hah, = They will /or quest be done,)

(*MOH-hoo-koh kee-kee-patch toh-toh EE-hay, = upon-earth as-it-is/or be within Big Sky)

(*nah-hoo KECH'-keh, = Grant us food)

(*noo-moo-wee-EECH' TOOM'-hay-toom, = forgiving trespasses - likewise done,)

(*CHAH' hay-oommoo wee-EE'-chah TOOM'-hay-toom, = For those trespassing - likewise done,)

(*wuhgguh-NUM' chuhm uh-HAH'-hay = Lead-us-not-to temptings,)

(*mee-chee-too TAHK'-kwah AH'-yoom.)

(*Ahm-WEE'-chee = Amen /or Approving!)


A constructed language created by Kimberlée Anne-Marie Elisabeth





Translation Above In The Yugolian ScriptT

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)


Gyu yugodapu wan apdi hyuli pun hyabdab tso dalab pun pojinyu. Kyan wan hupalab chek tsulap pun Tsukadyin pun pojapinda hyabu pyunghun jya Hyedyü yu gabyandar.

(Tsinin yung yutsa Universal Declaration of Human Rights)



Buun Bekidits, birbin bal Dinaninan, (*Our Father-Spirit, Above in the-Heavens),
Asir akbinbaal juubl, (*highest Holy-named entity),
Senbinbakl jakbidibi hongl, (*Thy-Kingdom to-be-sometime to-come),
Hapbindlbun bandin ponapun, (*only-Thy-will shall-be to-be-done),
JanBusunl pon anpo jublDinaninan pangl, (* Upon-This-Earth as it-is within-the-Heavens by-and-by),
Mohomgin apap jonijinl kapapin, (*To-Share amongst this-day levin-bread),
Ponabamhoml dok mossinl binglbim; joppa nossinl bojibonlbim, (*Might-Our Moral-Violations committed be/ing-forgiven from-us-in-the-past; dually-/or-*in-the-same-as being-forgiven/ing those-apposing-us),
Dobammadl johonhan nap danpanlban, (*Lead-away-from trouble and strife),
Pun ampopanan jakadlmin. (*Block us from all things-evil/bad)


(*Pronunciation chart: consonants are all hard sounding. Such as: G as in Girl.
Vowels are; a, ah, uh, aa, aw, ee, eh, ih, eye/ai, oh, ooh, and the "L-l" is pronounced as in Korean. Fast and somewhat strong sound)
How are you? - Jonl bin Sem?
How is your family? - Jonl ban Seml pandl?
How is your wife? - Jonl ban Seml imim?
How is your husband? - Jonl ban Seml amim?
How are your children? - Jonl ban Seml onam?
How many children do you have? - Jonl dinda onam Sem opa?
I am well. - Pu ipo sok.
I am fine. I am doing fine. - Pu ipo paja. Pu ipo itsa paja.
I am feeling ok. - Pu ipo latsa o k.
I am not too bad today. - Pu ipo jun toktin jun jonijinl.
I am feeling great! - Pu ipo latsa bumllim!
I am looking good, but I feel terrible! - Pu ipo potsa jeml, pun Pu lat dimljim!
I look like shit! Feel like shit! and why do you care? - Pu pot tangl met! Lat tangl met! nap chgun semsobbl?
I am feeling a little blue right now. - Pu ipo latsa chum du amogl.
I am feeling a little under the weather right now. - Pu ipo latsa chum togatsumkiml amogl.
I feel like I look. - Pu lat pupot.
I am not feeling well today. - Pu ipo jun latsa jun sok jonijinl.
He / she is feeling sad. - Tsi / Tsa ipl latsa jonjin.
He / she is feeling great! - Tsi / Tsa ipl latsa bumllim!
He / she looks well. - Tsi / Tsa potl sok.
He / she is tall! - Tsi / Tsa ipl ong.
He / she is short. - Tsi / Tsa ipl tokja.
He / she is fat. - Tsi / Tsa ipl top.
He / she is looking very fit. - Tsi / Tsa ipl potsa cha dzin.
He / she is unhealthy. - Tsi / Tsa ipl jun bodl jun.
He / she is very thin. - Tsi / Tsa ipl cha tso.
(*Note... "jun______jun" is the same as french; "ne_______pas").
They are all here. - Dzin idl dejin dijltsa.
They are outside. - Dzin idl jopldon.
They are inside. - Dzin idl netldon.
They are being so nice. - Dzin idl dutsa tsum.
They are being orderly. - Dzin idl dutsa chnopun.
They are being good. - Dzin idl dutsa jeml.
They are being bad. - Dzin idl dutsa toktin.
They are being disorderly. Dzin idl dutsa jun chnopun jun.
They are here now. - Dzin idl ditsa amogl.
They are by us. - Dzin idl chukl.
They are having a ball! - Dzin idl ketsa tseda!
They are having fun. - Dzin idl ketsa jel.
They live there. - Dzin hojon dejltsa.
They live here. - Dzin hojon dijltsa. .
They live over there. - Dzin hojon ipaj tsadl.
They live well. - Dzin hojon sok.
They live on the other side of town. - Dzin hojon kipje tsin hongl.
They live in another city. - Dzin hojon bal sejihem hungl.
They live in another town. - Dzin hojon bal sejihem hongl.
They live on the other side of the lake. Dzin hojon kipje tsin kejip.
The night is cold. - Atsan ipl tsogapje.
The nights are cold. - Atsanl idl tsogapje.
The night is chilly. - Atsan ipl chutje.
The night air is damp. - Atsan etdza ipl muk.
The sun warms things up. - Daldzin chusu ponjitsa.
The sun shines so bright. - Daldzin gatso tsimjoml.
The sun is yellow. - Daldzin getsem.
The sun is a star. - Daldzin ipl hagop.
The sun warms us up. - Daldzin chusunl.
Our house is here. - Keptse ipl dijltsa.
Our house is warm. - Keptse ipl chusu.
Our house is at 34 Benton Street. - Keptse ipl jon 34 Tsun Benton.
Our house is a nice home. - Keptse ipl tsum kapup.
Our house is a home. - Keptse ipl kapup.
Home is where the heart is. - Kapup ipl gitse patsip.
Children live here. - Gepogl hojon dijltsa.
People live here. - Kogl hojon dijltsa.
Police are over there. - Polijo idl ipaj tsadl.
Bring that here. - Geppe lapo dijltsa.
Bring this to him. - Geppe lego itsio.
Bring your clothing to the laundry.
Bring your tooth brush.
Bring a change of clothes.
How are you all doing?
Hope you are well.