Monday, December 17, 2007



A constructed language created by Kimberlée Anne-Marie Elisabeth

Ahwwhoon' Lidi oohwaasmaayaa, (*One Most High in the Stars/Heavens,)
Naasehm' ahsh maasoon', (*called most Holy,)
Keefee maalu'umaa, (*cometh Thy Realm,)
Neewee' aanaamm' aankaa'mi saaf oohwaasmaayaa', (*Thy will "being" the same upon Earth as "within" the Stars/Heavens.)
Hhaa'waa soonkaaf'waalaa, (*Givings of "some" bread daily,)
Whaaboonaam' beesheem' wheekaam' hwaaf bahlooh'-boohnaam, (*forgiving trespasses/wrong doings whilst/samely being forgiven,)
Hwaylaa' tehlaan' maysoohnoon', (*Direct us away from temptation,)
Ehllaa' woowehsh' meh-teesh', (*But, deliver us/"bring us away from" Evil!)
Ahlmayn'! (*Ahmen!) amen
Counting; Alwwhood: Ooh-NOOHSH' = 0

Ah-HWHOON' - 1 - (*Pronounced like ah-HWOOHN'.)

Maa-EET' - 2 - (*Pronounced like "A" in MAT; Maa-EAT'.)

TEHH'-hleht - 3 - (*Pronounced like TEHH, as in Tennis, also; hleht. Pronouncing the "H" before a consonant, always.)

Qaysh-AHR' - 4 - (*Pronounced like "kaysh-ARE'.)

HAHy'-yahht - 5 - (*Pronounced like the "HYATT" HOTEL.)

Vlah-SAAT' - 6 - (*Pronounced like vlah-SAT'; has "A" as in Hat, Sat, Bat...)

Shee-VAAT' - 7 - (*Pronounced like she-VAT'. Same rule as #6.)

Shah-MOHN' - 8 - (*Pronounced like shah-MOAN'. OH is like OA in Boat, Goat...)

Taash-AAN' - 9 - (*Pronounced like Tash-AN'. "A" as in Hat, Sat, Bat...)

Ahb-sahr-AAM' - 10 - (*Pronounced like OB, as in Job, sahr-AAM' as in "AM". Sometimes pronounced as "ahv-sahr-AAM'.)

Aam-soohl-OOHN' - 11,

Aam-sahr-M'LEET' - 12,

Aam-sahr-T'-LEHT - 13,

Aam-sahr-q'AHR' - 14,

Aam-sahr-H'YAHT' - 15,

Aam-sahr-V'SAAT' - 16,

Aam-sahr-V'VAHT' - 17,

Aam-sahr-S'MOHN' - 18,

Aam-sahr-T'AAN' - 19,

Seev-MAA'-Leet - 20,

Seev-MAA-leet-OOHN' - 21,

Seev-MAA-leet-maa-EET' - 22,

Seev-MAA-leet-T'LEHT' - 23,

Seev-MAA-leet-q'AHR' 24,

Seev-MAA-leet-HAHy'-yaht - 25,

Seev-MAA-leet-vlah-SAAT' - 26,

Seev-MAA-leet-shee-VAAT' - 27,

Seev-MAA-leet-shah-MOHN' - 28,

Seev-MAA-leet-Taash-AAM' - 29,

Hleht-EHV' - 30,

Hleht-EHV-maa-OOHN' - 31,

Hleht-EHV-maa-EET' - 32,

Hleht-EHV-TEHH'-hleht - 33, etc...

( Qaysh-AAM' - 40,

Qaysh-AAM-maa-OOHN' - 41,

... HAHy-AAM' - 50,

... Vlaas-AAM' - 60,

... Sheev-AAM' - 70,

Shah-OHM' - 80,

Shah-OHM-maa-OOHN - 81,

... Taash-OHM - 90,

Taash-OHM-maa-OOHN - 91,

OohlWHOON' - 100,

(*112 = Oohl-WHOON- aam-sahr-m'LEET',

... 145; Oohl-WHOON-Qaysh-aam-maa-HAHy'-yahht,

... 167; Oohl-WHOON-vlaas-AAM-maa-shee-VAAT',

...123; Oohl-WHOON-seev-MAA-leet-t'LEHT',

...185; Oohl-WHOON-Shah-OHM-maa-HAHy-yahht,

...197; Oohl-WHOON-taash-OHM-maa-shee-VAAT',

...173; Oohl-WHOON-sheev-AAM-maa-TEHH'-hleht,

... ... ... EE-TOOF' - 200,

... ... ... TEHH-HLOOT' - 300,

... ... ... QAY-SHOOF' - 400,

... ... ... Oohl-HHAHM' - 500,

... ... ... Oohl-VLOOF - 600,

... ... ... Oohl-SHEEVOOT' - 700,

... ... ... Oohl SHEHMOOF' - 800,

... ... ... Oohl TAASHOOF' - 900,

... ... ... AHwhool-EHD' - 1,000, ... ... ...

More on this language coming...

(*I want you to see this in the Aramaic Alphabet, but it has it's own "TWO" alphabets as well! One is listed above. )

There are many more languages to follow...

Pronunciation chart:
ay= ay in day

a= ah in Shah'
aa= a in bat, cat, sat,
oo= oo in soon, room, boot,
ee= ee in beet, feet
e= e in met, set
uu= uu in vacuum, or more like the abrupt Hawaiian separation between two vowels
i= i in vasoline,
wwh= strong er wh sound than in who, when or which, more blowing wind sound.
Either the Assyrian /Aramaic or the Aaawaaniaan alphabet/scriptis are used throughout.
Contributed by Kimberlée Anne-Marie Elisabeth

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