Tuesday, December 18, 2007


A constructed language created by Kimberlée Anne-Marie Elisabeth
Noti Peksipu, ksipsithep'soli, Our Fatherly God, who art in Heaven
Ksipi fethu manipsi', unique holy name,
Vinepsipa'lu tem'pa, come thy era true,
Papthepsikra'ni pu'tha, be thy wish fulfilled,
Seno kranethi' kas pe'tho epsoli' upon earth as with the Heavens
Kresopolipsi vanusipsanus bread freshly daily-spread amongst the populous
Oligranipso'thi noti tressipsime'this psi'tha kis oligranipsothim'pi, find forgiveness for our tresspasses as we find forgiveness for others
Gapi'thi noti nenosoffi'ksi pethipeksi' make our way free of any temtation,
Ksis pandothi' feso'then but keep our way clear of evil.
Pronunciation chart:
i as in it, lip, sit, sometimes as ee.
a as father, never a as in after.
e as in set, bet, wet.
Th as in "My country tis'of the.
Psi as in ups and downs with a long ee after it.
As in look see with.
u as oo.
o as short aw sound, as law, but a little shorter.

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