Tuesday, December 18, 2007


A constructed language created by Kimberlée Anne-Marie Elisabeth
Of-ân ditan, pen as-âmo-èmai, Fatherspirit, being in high holy place
diêt-sen ko Jon-êpsai, being of name most worthy
Fongai ba-âpo pen-saijan âp, come thy being henceforth
Susudan ba-âpo Japan âp,bequeathed thy to carry on
Toyen fodan kupten a-nai as-âmo-èmai âp; hereabout the earth as done in high holy place
Up-ton sisin-adân Bo ditan âp; us-give each-day bread by-spirit
Up-bapbât yensi-ilao ditan âp, us-pitty forgiving all by-spirit
Ten-ëp-bapbât yensu-ilao Ku-jem kapan inoy âp; we too forgiving all those inflicting same
Nam-up-tai-non as-ségâkon âp, not us allow in bad wantings
bâ, up-mé-sèmai itam-ân âp. But, us guide away from evil.
Âmmèn Amen
Pronunciation chart:
â is ah
a is usually same as: ain Japan.
e is he
I is ee or ih
o is aw or oh
u is oo always
The âp at the end of many sentances has no English translation, but is the very same as Ka, or Krub in Thai sentances, however, both men and women say the same word, unlike Thai.

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